About us

“Esculap Aeternus” alternative and holistic medicine office

Dr. Dan Sorin Spatariu – Doctor of medical sciences, cardiology specialist


1987- Banatean College Theoretical High School – Chemistry-Physics department
1990 – 1996 Timisoara University of Medicine – Faculty of General Medicine
1997 – 2002 Doctorate at the Timisoara Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases with the theme: “Radiofrequency current ablation – therapeutic means in Wolff Parkinson White syndrome” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Stefan I. Dragulescu
2001 – 2015 Studying Ayurveda – the Indian science of health maintenance within the Association of Nonconventional Medicine in Romania
2002- The title of doctor in medical sciences
2004- Specialization in cardiology
2007- 2012 Studying Ayurveda at the Professional Training Institute for Medical Personnel in Bucharest – with Dr. Ghasyam Marda, Ayurveda professor from India (Pune)
2012- Panchakarma course (purification procedures from Ayurveda) with Dr. Ghasyam Marda, held in Focsani, Romania


Integral yoga practice since 1995 – bringing together several branches of the millennial yoga system: hatha yoga, tantra yoga, karma yoga, jnana yoga, laya yoga.

Since 2004, he practices Ayurvedic medicine combined with allopathic medicine and non-conventional medicine – by using the Oberon 4009 bioresonance device in the “Esculap Aeternus” private medical office. It uses as therapies the resolution of inner conflicts according to the new German medicine – Dr. Geer Ryke Hammer. It uses phytotherapy and panchakarma (Ayurveda) therapy methods, especially hirudotherapy (the application of leeches).

2000 – He founds the non-governmental association “Dacica” with the aim of raising the cultural level. Since 2007, yoga, astrology, ayurveda, spiritual dance, Shivaism courses have been held within the “Dacica” association.

2005 – 2011 Director of the festival “IUBESTE VIATA” 7 editions, a cultural festival that includes workshops, photo and painting openings, theater and film evenings about a new perspective on love, couple relationship and erotic life. Among the guests of this festival are it also includes the well-known Romanian actor Ioan Gyuri Pascu.

2006 Founds within the Dacica association – the spiritual art troupe “Artemisa”, performing over the years several theater performances presented at the association’s headquarters and three screenings based on the Zen tradition – two of which can be viewed at asociatia-dacica.ro.

In 2010 and 2012 he gave two conferences at the International Yoga Congress organized in Bucharest with the themes: Conscious mental projection in the higher astral universe “Hyrania Loka”, respectively Quantum Physics and the ultimate experience in yoga – SAMADHI

Between 2010 and 2012, he followed the natal, predictive and relational astrology courses of the Helios School of Astrology – Cluj Napoca.

In November 2014, he presented at the International Yoga Congress, organized in Bucharest, the work “Kindness and compassion inspired by communion with the Great Cosmic Power Tara in the act of healing” – awarded with the 7th mention.

Since 2014, he approaches the field of medical astrology in finding the emotional causes of diseases

Address: Timisoara, Take Ionescu Boulevard no. 33
Tel: +40740151831
Email: esculap.aeternus@gmail.com

Working hours: Monday-Friday 11:00 – 19:00

Location on the map: Medical office Esculap Aeternus