In fact, integrative medicine…

“I affirm that spirituality is the most potent of all tools for scientific investigation. Science without religion is incomplete, religion without science is blind. All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree, whose sole aspiration is to make human life more dignified; that is, to enable the individual to rise above mere physical existence and be free.” – Albert Einstein

Integrative medicine – the meeting of tradition with authentic science

 The philosophy of integrative medicine is that the patient should be viewed as a whole. This means that when treating a disease, the physician takes into account all three aspects of an individual: body, mind, and spirit. Thus, the therapies used should heal the body, as well as address the psychological and emotional issues, because these also influence health.

What is holistic medicine and what is allopathic medicine?  

Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is a form of medicine that adopts an approach to the individual based on the holographic principle, according to which everything is part of the whole and the part is within the whole.

It treats the human being as a unified whole and does not accept the fragmented, disjointed interpretation of the body’s parts.

From its point of view, the multiple medical specialties that are almost completely disconnected from each other are almost nonsensical.

Allopathic Medicine

Allopathic medicine is a form of medicine that seeks to be scientific (and succeeds only to a small extent) by relying on data and mechanisms explained logically within various related sciences such as biophysics, biochemistry, physiology, and molecular biology.

It considers the division of the human being into systems that work together as a whole, but which, in its view, can still be treated separately and sequentially.

Allopathic medicine does not emphasize humans as energetic structures and souls and does not accept the emotional causes of various pathologies, integrating only the general notion of “stress.”

Although it tests various medications through the placebo effect, it does not truly utilize this placebo mechanism to aid therapy.

In short, the difference between these two types of therapy is that allopathic medicine treats the effect (physical symptoms), while holistic therapy focuses on the causes of diseases (imbalances at the energetic level), and treats the individual as a whole (body, mind, soul).

Despite this apparent antagonism, numerous high-quality physicians (such as Dr. Dean Ornish’s therapy) have overcome simplistic and prejudiced barriers by adopting holistic concepts and integrating them into normal medical practice.

Unfortunately, the concept of integrative medicine, which harmoniously combines holistic medicine with allopathic medicine, is still in its pioneering stages in Romania.

Promoters in Romania of these new approaches include: Professor Simona Dragan (University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara), Santo Raphael Naturopathy Center Bucharest, Association of Nonconventional Medicine Romania, etc.

Observation – Conclusion:

The two approaches need reconciliation. The language between the two alternatives is very different. It is difficult to establish a primacy between the two, as this is more a matter of the patient’s choice, who must be correctly informed in an accessible language, without false scholarly pretensions (typical medical jargon).

Equally important is to provide explanations with a logical substrate, not just empirical arguments, as often happens with those who practice so-called energetic medicine.

The evolutionary leap of current medicine in terms of technology must be recognized: MRI, tomography, techniques based on ingenious ideas rooted in exact sciences and even quantum physics.

On the other hand, the method called bioresonance, which investigates the non-linear health status of the body with access to the quantum level, is still poorly and incompletely explained. However, one thing is certain: the results of bioresonance exist and can be verified subsequently by classical methods. I make this statement based on eight years of study of the superposition between diagnosis by bioresonance and allopathic diagnoses.

This superposition increases even more when we add the Ayurvedic interpretation to the patient’s investigation, which gives a unique touch to each case.

In practice, within the medical office “Esculap Aeternus,” against the background of determinations through bioresonance and Ayurvedic consultation, I also consider laboratory and imaging analyses both at the beginning of the case and throughout the therapy to monitor the results from an allopathic perspective (conventional).

I also aim to have effective communication with the specialist doctors I collaborate with, improving discrepancies in vision or language for the benefit of resolving cases and for the complete healing of the patient.